03Opening RemarksMr. Hee HwangMinister of Culture, Sports and TourismRepublic of Korea

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1 :
Nov 3, 202106:15 - 06:30
Opening Session
The significant impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on tourism, together with ongoing economic, social and environmental challenges, including the accelerating climate crisis and major technological change, require a strong and coherent policy response. Governments, with the assistance of international organisations, need to support the recovery of the tourism economy, while taking the opportunity to build a stronger, fairer and more sustainable tourism economy. Opportunities to share policy issues and experiences, and agree on common priorities and directions should be pursued. This session will set the scene, and provide a valuable exposition of key policy issues to inform the remainder of the Global Forum.
06:30 - 10:00
Day 1 – Lessons from the crisis? Better preparing tourism for a more resilient future
COVID-19 triggered an unprecedented crisis, with significant long term consequences for the tourism economy, calling for governments and the private sector to take proactive steps and co-ordinated policy action to mitigate the impacts and support the recovery. It has also revealed gaps in government and industry preparedness and response capacity, and exposed shortcomings in tourism statistical information systems to inform policy and business decisions in a timely and granular manner.
This session will focus on drawing lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic, to chart a path forward for a stronger, more resilient tourism economy. The first panel will consider what worked well (and not so well) in response efforts, share good policy and data practices, and identify how to improve the capacity of governments, the private sector and the tourism ecosystem as a whole to absorb, recover and adapt to future shocks. The second panel will examine data innovations and good practice to improve the evidence base for policy and business decisions.
06:30 - 06:45
06:45 - 08:15
Building tourism resilience
Topics for discussion :
● How could governments and industry have been better prepared for this crisis?
● What response measures were most effective and what could be improved to ensure resilience to future crises?
● How may structural, product and market changes in emerging from the pandemic affect the tourism sector’s future resilience?
● How should tourism policies be reshaped to tackle the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities, and what governance and coordination structures are required to deliver them?
04ModeratorMr. Sérgio GuerreiroSenior Director, Knowledge Management & InnovationTurismo de Portugal
09PanellistMr. Victor TharageDirector-GeneralNational Department of Tourism, South Africa
09PanellistDr. Jennifer CroninPresidentWharf Hotels
09PanellistMs. Maria Teresa Solís TrejoExpert – Tourism / Regional Development, DeloitteFormer Undersecretary for Tourism, Mexico
09PanellistMr. Graham HarperSpecial Advisor for Sustainability & Social ResponsibilityPATA
09PanellistMr. John Hart OAMExecutive ChairAustralian Chamber - Tourism
09PanellistDr. Stefan HartmanHead of DepartmentEuropean Tourism Futures Institute
08:15 - 08:30
08:30 - 10:00
Data innovations and experiences to take forward from the crisis
Topics for discussion:
● What data challenges to provide necessary and reliable information to decision makers in a timely and granular manner were revealed by the pandemic, and how were these met?
● What data innovations and statistical responses and learnings emerged to meet policy and business needs, and what learnings to strengthen the tourism data ecosystem?
● What innovative data approaches and indicators can be used to evaluate the effectiveness of policy support measures and monitor the recovery?
04ModeratorMr. Christophe DemunterHead of Tourism StatisticsEurostat
09PanellistMr. Ossi NurmiSenior StatisticianStatistics Finland
09PanellistMs. Andrée DesjardinsChair of OECD Working Party on Tourism StatisticsDirector, Tourism Statistics, Statistics Canada
09PanellistMr. Rod BattyeManager, Data Innovation and PartnershipsTourism Research Australia
09PanellistMr. Filipe Batista e SilvaResearch OfficerEuropean Commission Joint Research Centre
09PanellistMr. Nicolaes HeerschapProgram ManagerStatistics Netherlands (CBS)
10:00 - 10:30
Speed networking
If you wish to connect with other participants via video chat, you will have the opportunity to participate in 5-minute speed networking sessions.
When you join the session, you will be randomly connected with another participant who also wishes to network and you will be free to chat for 5 minutes.
Please make sure to activate the option “Allow networking” in your profile to be able to participate.
2 :
Nov 4, 202106:30 - 10:00
Day 2 – Recovery, and beyond: building tourism back better
The scale and scope of the tourism crisis triggered by COVID-19 is having immense and very tangible economic and social consequences for many people, places and businesses. There is a pressing need to design and implement effective short, medium and long term recovery plans and actions, together with the need to understand and tackle the consequences of the crisis for tourism businesses, destinations and the wider tourism ecosystem. The crisis presents a unique opportunity to rethink the tourism system and move to stronger, more sustainable models of tourism development, and accelerate the shift to a more inclusive and greener sector.
The first panel will address the economic and social dimensions of the domestic and international tourism recovery. It will focus on the behaviour and needs of people, as visitors, business operators, employees and communities, and how the speed and shape of recovery could influence their livelihoods and wellbeing in the short and long term. The second panel will look further at the sustainability agenda for tourism, with a focus on green transformation in the face of the climate crisis and other resource management issues.
06:30 - 06:45
High-level opening remarks - Day 2 scene setter
06:45 - 08:15
Driving the recovery to support people, businesses and places
Topics for discussion:
● What medium and long term consequences of the pandemic and structural changes for the tourism economy, affecting people, businesses and places?
● What reform measures, including policies, finance and other instruments, to build back better through the tourism ecosystem?
● How to adjust to changes in tourism consumption patterns, promote innovative and inclusive business models, address skills/labour needs, and rebuild destinations to benefit local communities?
● How to support the digital transformation of tourism, and enable all tourism stakeholders to benefit fully from digital opportunities?
04ModeratorMs. Jane StaceyHead of Tourism UnitOECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
09PanellistMs. Ingunn SørnesSpecial AdvisorInnovation Norway
09PanellistMs. Susanne Kraus-WinklerPresidentAustrian Professional Hotel Association
09PanellistMr. Jeremy SampsonChief Executive Officer / ChairThe Travel Foundation / Future of Tourism Coalition
09PanellistMr. Gabriel PetrusDeputy Director for PartnershipsInternational Chamber of Commerce
09PanellistMr. Subeom LeePortfolio Manager for New Business, Incubation CenterLG Electronics
09PanellistMs. Hermione JoyeSector Lead, Travel and Vertical Search APACGoogle
08:15 - 08:30
08:30 - 10:00
Building a greener, more sustainable tourism economy
Topics for discussion:
● What are the priorities in the transition to greener and more sustainable models of tourism development, and should these models be differentiated across destinations?
● What challenges and opportunities for tourism to contribute to transition to a decarbonised economy?
● How to encourage the greening of tourism business models, value chains and destinations, and transition to a more resource efficient tourism sector?
● How to strengthen tourism policy and governance frameworks, and improve the capacity of government and private sector to develop tourism sustainably?
04ModeratorDr. Céline KauffmannHead of the Entrepreneurship, SME and Tourism DivisionOECD
09PanellistMr. Simon UptonParliamentary Commissioner for the EnvironmentNew Zealand
09PanellistDr. Megan MorikawaGlobal Sustainability Office DirectorIberostar Group
09PanellistMr. Wilbert Víctor Ataco ZúñigaDeputy Manager Environmental ManagementMachu Picchu District Municipality, Peru
09PanellistMr. Richard KämpfHead of Tourism UnitState Secretariat for Economic Affairs, Switzerland
09PanellistMs. Helena Rey de AssisProgramme Officer, Consumption and Production UnitUN Environment
10:00 - 10:30
Speed networking
If you wish to connect with other participants via video chat, you will have the opportunity to participate in 5-minute speed networking sessions.
When you join the session, you will be randomly connected with another participant who also wishes to network and you will be free to chat for 5 minutes.
Please make sure to activate the option “Allow networking” in your profile to be able to participate.
3 :
Nov 5, 202106:30 - 09:30
Day 3: Towards a new future for tourism
The COVID-19 pandemic has been widely seen as presenting society at all levels with a chance to rethink fundamental values and needs, providing the opportunity to build back better. Like others, the tourism sector must seize this opportunity. This will require greater emphasis on the development of strong, coherent, data-driven and forward-looking approaches across all levels of government, to adapt to the changed and increasingly complex tourism policy and data environment, and provide responses to emerging and priority policy issues and long term structural challenges.
The first panel will consider the need for new data capabilities to support the tourism policy agenda in a rapidly changing world. The pandemic exposed shortcomings in tourism statistical information systems, and the challenges this poses to quantify the current and future impacts of the crisis on tourism, given a lack of robust, comparable and timely data. Significant improvements and innovative data approaches are needed to adapt to the new data environment, meet changing user needs, and enable more effective data-driven policy decisions, including to integrate non-conventional data sources and methods into the tourism data ecosystem.
The second panel will bring together high-level policy makers with responsibility for tourism to exchange on how they see the outlook for recovery, and their vision for the future tourism policy agenda, with a particular focus on safely restarting travel and tourism, social inclusion, tourism’s contribution to a low carbon transition, and the role of new technologies in sustainable tourism development. It will chart a way forward for tourism.
06:30 - 06:45
High-level opening remarks - Day 3 scene setter
06:45 - 08:15
Towards a data-driven policy agenda for tourism
Topics for discussion:
● Are current systems of tourism data and statistics sufficient to measure the economic, environmental and social dimensions of tourism?
● What are the current gaps in tourism measurement frameworks?
● What role can new and non-conventional data sources play in filling existing and emerging data gaps, and how can these be integrated into tourism data systems?
● What approaches can be used to deliver more timely and granular data?
● What priorities and improvements to support a data-driven policy agenda, and provide a sufficient evidence base for the development and evaluation of tourism policies and actions?
04ModeratorMr. Nadim AhmadDeputy DirectorOECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
09PanellistMr. Michael WebsterPrinciple AnalystMinistry of Business, Innovation and Employment, New Zealand
09PanellistMs. Titi Kanti LestariDirector of Finance, Information Technology and Tourism StatisticsBPS-Statistics Indonesia
09PanellistMr. Carsten OlssonHead of European Businesses UnitEuropean Commission – Eurostat
09PanellistMs. Sandra CarvaoChief Market Intelligence and CompetitivenessUNWTO
09PanellistMr. Jean-Philippe Monod de FroidevilleSVP Global Government and Corporate AffairsExpedia
08:15 - 08:30
08:30 - 09:30
High-level panel on the future of tourism
Topics for discussion:
● What outlook for resilient, sustainable and inclusive tourism, and how can governments align policies and link recovery mechanisms to support this?
● What actions and priorities to safely restart travel and tourism, and boost recovery?
● What role for tourism in the transition to a decarbonised economy, and how can tourism policies align with policies and commitments on climate and other environmental challenges?
● What opportunities from digitalisation to support sustainable tourism development, and are stronger policy responses required to embrace this more widely?
● What role of data to support the tourism transformation agenda, and what policies and priorities to strengthen the tourism data infrastructure?
04ModeratorMs. Lamia Kamal-ChaouiDirectorOECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities
09PanellistMs. Isabel AlvarezVice Minister for TourismPeru
09PanellistMs. Vasiliki LoizouSecretary General for Tourism PolicyGreece
09PanellistMr. Miguel Sanz CastedoDirector GeneralTurespaña, Spain
09PanellistMr. Jang-ho KimDirector General for Tourism PolicyMinistry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Republic of Korea
09PanellistMr. Tomohiro KanekoVice Commissioner, Japan Tourism AgencyMinistry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
09PanellistMs. Rita MarquesSecretary of State for TourismMinistry of Economy and Digital Transition, Portugal