2022 OECD Infrastructure Forum

Session 8 - Breakout A: Financing Sustainable Infrastructure

Oct 12, 2022 | 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Room CC10


Governments are seeking to mobilise finance for sustainable infrastructure to sustain economic growth and reach development objectives. The OECD, through its Task Force on Institutional Investors and Long-term Financing, has been leading the policy dialogue on institutional investor and capital market participation in infrastructure investment, gathering statistics on investment levels, institutional investor preferences, and researching financial instruments and risk mitigation instruments, helping to facilitate investment by better describing sustainable infrastructure as an asset class. Financing work has important linkages to sustainability elements of infrastructure, especially as investors apply long-term risk/return analysis frameworks. This session will present leading best practice frameworks for sustainable infrastructure investment, financial structuring and innovative financing arrangements at various levels of government.


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