2022 OECD Infrastructure Forum

2022 OECD Infrastructure Forum

11-12 October 2022

OECD Conference Centre
2 rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris (France)

The summary is out! Check the highlights of the Forum sessions.

Just releasedOECD Infrastructure Toolkit

The OECD Infrastructure Toolkit is an online resource to guide policymakers in the planning, financing and delivery of infrastructure. The Toolkit takes a modal approach, addressing various areas of infrastructure. Initially, the governance of infrastructure is featured with other domains expected to be added over time.

Sustainable Infrastructure for a Greener Future

The Forum is the OECD’s premier public multi-stakeholder infrastructure platform. Its purpose is to contribute to the strategic direction of current and upcoming infrastructure investment to address global challenges and to pave the way for a green and sustainable future. The Forum highlights the most effective governance practices related to infrastructure planning, delivery, and decision-making, including the latest trends to maximise the benefits of infrastructure to societies and economies as we transition towards a more sustainable future. The Forum provides an opportunity to share new thinking, insights and evidence bringing together decision-makers from the public and private sectors, centres of governments, ministries of finance, procurement agencies, regulators, sub-national governments, financial institutions and institutional investors.

Venue and travel

The Forum will take place at the OECD headquarters in Paris at this address: 2, rue André Pascal, 75016 Paris.
More information
For more information on the venue, how to access and onsite services, please visit this page: www.oecd.org/conference-centre/