What Can We All Do to Help Prevent the Silent Pandemic?

October 3rd

What Can We All Do to Help Prevent the Silent Pandemic?

14:30–16:00 CEST; 8:30-10:00 EDT; 13:30-15:00 BST  

Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) is part of an evolutionary process where bacteria develop resistance and no longer respond to available medicines. It seems very far removed from our everyday reality, but due to AMR chemotherapy, knee replacement surgery, and even preterm birth treatments could become extremely risky. There is much more we can all do to help prevent what has been called a” silent pandemic.” Results from new OECD analysis demonstrate that collaborative efforts of governments, multilateral agencies, civil society, foundations, and the private sector are crucial focusing on prevention, more robust antibiotics use surveillance, and investment in innovation. 

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