OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial

Panel B1.2 - Human enhancement: emerging technology and the human future

Apr 23, 2024 | 12:05 PM - 1:50 PM



Breakout B1: The future we want in science and technology.

Human enhancement: emerging technology and the human futureBreakout 1: The future we want in science and technology

Breakthroughs in genomics, gene editing, 3D printing, and stem cell therapies hold promise for tailored medical treatments and new powers to alter heredity. Brain-computer interfaces offer potential therapies for individuals with disabilities and mental illnesses, as well as enhancement of sensory and cognitive experiences, raising ethical, legal, and social considerations. The rapid pace and broad scope of these technological advancements require critical reflection on the nature of human augmentation, the balance of benefits and risks, and the potential for exacerbating societal inequalities. Join us as we navigate the complexities of human enhancement in an era of unprecedented technological progress.

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