2024 OECD Sustainable Investment Days

OECD Sustainable Investment Days Agenda Day 2 - 7th OECD Roundtable on Investment and Sustainable Development

All open sessions will take place at the OECD Conference Center in Paris and will be broadcasted live online and available on replay after the event.
All session times reflect your computer's local time zone. 

Part 1 - 09:30-12:45 New industrial policies – an opportunity or risk for boosting sustainable investment

In the wake of renewed interest in industrial policy, the international investment community must consider the implications on international investment and sustainable development. 
Part 1 of the Roundtable will focus on the critical intersections between industrial policy, international investment, and sustainable development. Leveraging the abundance of recent OECD and other work on new industrial policies, the discussions will delve into analysing current global industrial policy trends and their impact on international investment flows, sustainable development and particularly the green and digital transitions. 
The discussion aims to identify to what extent this new policy environment requires adapting and strengthening existing investment policy frameworks, such as the OECD Policy Framework for Investment, the OECD FDI Qualities Policy Toolkit, and OECD’s holistic more-better-safe investment approach, and whether new policy approaches to deal with this policy landscape are needed. Furthermore, the discussion should consider how the international investment community can address geopolitical challenges to boost investment, while respecting diverse sustainability objectives across regions, and how we can foster international policy coherence and cooperation for sustainable investment globally, especially between advanced and developing economies.  

Part 2 - 14:00-17:30 Leveraging new OECD data and policy tools to address sustainable investment challenges

International policy forums, including APEC, G20, G7, and the WTO, along with international organisations participating in the World Investment for Development Alliance platform (WIDA), unanimously highlight the importance of enhancing sustainable investment. 
At the OECD, the 2023 updated Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises, and related data and policy tools, provide the framework and standards for attracting more and better-quality investments to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and net zero emissions by 2050, while also considering the risk implications of these investments. 
In previous Roundtables and other forums, the international investment policy community called upon the OECD and other organisations to continuously update and augment data and policy tools to better understand investment impacts and policies and address specific investment policy challenges. Responding to these calls, Part 2 of the 2024 Roundtable will release and discuss updated OECD investment data tools and launch new OECD reports addressing opportunities and challenges in facilitating sustainable investment, including related to investment for climate adaptation and the role of international investment agreements for facilitating sustainable investment. The objective is to identify practical country examples and approaches on how these policy tools can used and implemented.


1 : November 6, 2024
08:30 - 09:10
PART 1 - Opening remarks and keynote address
09:10 - 10:25
PART 1 - Session 1: New industrial policies: Implications for international investment and sustainable development
This session will define the scope of new industrial policies and explore their implications for international investment. The discussion aims to uncover the underlying reasons for the resurgence of such policies in recent years and how these policies can act as investment incentives or disincentives and contribute – or not – to addressing critical policy objectives such as green and digital transitions. By sharing insights on successes and failures, this session will identify actionable strategies to navigate this new era of industrial policies and continue to advance on sustainable investment and development objectives.
10:25 - 10:45
10:45 - 11:45
PART 1 - Session 2: Navigating subsidy-driven industrial policies: Opportunities and risks for policy coherence and international cooperation on sustainable investment policy
This session will focus on implications of globally emerging industrial policies for cooperation and dialogue on sustainable investment policy globally. As these policies gain traction, it is crucial to understand their potential risk and opportunities to unlock investment opportunities and drive sustainable development in advanced and developing regions. The session will examine whether such strategies can foster productivity growth or, conversely, delay development in emerging regions, aiming to outline balanced approaches that maximise benefits while mitigating risks. A critical objective includes to consider how the international investment policy community can foster international policy coherence and cooperation for sustainable investment globally, especially between advanced and developing economies.
11:45 - 13:00
13:00 - 13:30
PART 2 - Release of OECD investment data tools
The session features the release of updated OECD investment data tools, including the FDI Qualities Indicators interactive dashboard 2024 and the FDI Regulatory Restrictiveness Index.
13:30 - 14:30
PART 2 - Session 3: Accelerating investment into climate adaptation
Despite the critical importance of adapting to rapidly deteriorating climate conditions, current levels of investment remain insufficient. This session will explore the recently published OECD Climate Adaptation Investment Framework (CAIF) and leverage OECD guidance to boost investment for a climate-resilient future. Inspired by the Policy Framework for Investment and FDI Qualities Policy Toolkit, the CAIF provides a targeted and coherent multi-sector approach to strengthen the enabling environment for adaptation investment. The session will explore how this framework can be applied to different national contexts, enhancing the enabling environment for adaptation investments, and linking them with broader sustainable development policies.
14:30 - 14:45
14:45 - 15:45
PART 2 - Session 4: Strengthening sustainable investment through international investment agreements
International investment agreements (IIAs) have the potential to play a role in mobilising sustainable investment. In addition to the ongoing debate and action on targeting investment treaty benefits on climate grounds and ensuring policy space for government climate action, there are a range of new developments in addressing sustainable development in IIAs. Based on a new OECD report "Strengthening sustainable investment through international investment agreements (IIAs)", this session explores the role of IIAs with new types of sustainable investment provisions in mobilising investments to tackle global sustainability challenges, including through the establishment of international cooperation frameworks and their implementation at the domestic level.
15:45 - 16:30
PART 2 - Session 5: Concluding reflections and call for action
Senior officials from international organisations gather to reflect on the insightful discussions and outcomes of the Roundtable. Together, they will synthesise key takeaways and articulate a collective vision for advancing sustainable investment globally. Building on the identified opportunities and challenges discussed throughout the Roundtable, the session will focus on actionable strategies for international organisation to empower governments and the private sector in boosting sustainable investment. Reflections will particularly focus on the needed actions resulting from the morning sessions on investment policy implications in the era of new industrial policies.