Due diligence-aligned contracting in practice
Feb 13, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Feb 13, 2025 | 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Organised by: Responsible Contracting Project
Recent HREDD legislation, namely CSDDD, requires companies to use their contracts with suppliers to prevent, address, and remedy adverse human rights impacts arising in their supply chain. This session would not only explain these requirements but offer recommendations for revising contracts using the SMCs to support adherence to the requirements. Join us as RCP experts engage brands in conversation to share their experiences revising their brand-supplier contracts to incorporate responsible contracting principles, touching on challenges and successes. RCP will also offer guidance on the Do’s and Don’ts of due diligence-aligned contracting, focusing on clauses that are specific to the apparel sector. This is intended to equip brands with an understanding of what applying responsible contracting principles looks like in practice.
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