About the Conference
The high-level virtual conference "The Social and Solidarity Economy: From the Margins to the Mainstream" was the first international conference of the OECD Global Action. It took place virtually from 13 to 16 September 2021 and brought together hundreds of policy makers, practitioners, and experts in the social and solidarity economy to:
- Learn more about the issues to consider when designing legal frameworks and measuring social impact, including new OECD research in these fields.
- Discuss new OECD evidence on the role of social and solidarity economy organisations in rebuilding better, by raising their visibility and providing the tools to achieve social impact.
- Network with other international practitioners, experts and policy makers, during highly interactive roundtables, breakout sessions and digital app networking features.
The conference provided participants with an opportunity to take stock of the strong political momentum around the social and solidarity economy at international, national and subnational levels and to learn more about the policies and actions that are moving the social economy forward.
All Sessions
11 sessions