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Action Plan for Digitalisation in Higher Education and Research 2019 - 2021
In autumn 2017, the Ministry of Education and Research presented its Digitalisation Strategy for the sector of higher education. The strategy describes goals related to digitalisation and structural...
Action Plan for Education, Research and Innovation (ERI) 2019–2020
For Switzerland to remain one of the leading countries in the development and application of digital technologies, it needs to boost skills in education and research. The Federal Department of...
Akční plán pro Společnost 4.0 (Strategies for Digital Transformation - Action Plan for Society 4.0)
Zastřešující dokument vlády pro oblast digitální agendy a tzv. Společnosti 4.0. Shrnuje směřování vládní politiky a klíčová opatření vlády na podporu rozvoje digitálního trhu České republiky,...
An Architecture for the Integrated Education Management Information System
Rwanda has one of the fastest-growing education sectors in Africa. Despite the progress, the education sector still faces a multitude of challenges ranging from poor quality, high dropout rates, ...
Australia’s Tech Future: Delivering a strong, safe and inclusive digital economy
Australia’s Tech Future details how Australia can maximise the opportunities of technological change by focusing on four key areas: people, services, digital assets and the enabling environment.
Baromètre Digital Wallonia 2018 Education & Numérique
Le baromètre 2018 «Education & Numérique» a mesuré le niveau d’équipement et d’usages numériques des établissements scolaires et des enseignants, en Wallonie et à Bruxelles. Outre de très nombreux...
Beijing Consensus on Artificial Intelligence and Education
UNESCO, as the United Nations’ specialized agency for education, is entrusted to lead and coordinate the Education 2030 Agenda, which is part of a global movement to eradicate poverty through 17...
BLOG: ChatGPT and PISA: Ensuring Our Education Systems Keep Up
In the era of rapidly advancing AI students need help to develop a reliable compass to navigate with confidence through an increasingly complex, volatile and uncertain world. Schools need to shift...
Brazilian Digital Transformation Strategy
The rapid changes in the economy and society effected by the digital environment impose new challenges to the government’s tasks and responsibilities. This policy proposes strategic actions focused...
Canada’s Digital Charter in Action: A Plan by Canadians, for Canadians
Embracing digital and data-driven technologies provides an opportunity to push the boundaries of what is possible. It will enable Canada to create new business opportunities, foster new, high-value...
COVID -19 response – remote learning strategy
In the context of the Global Education Coalition, formed by UNESCO to support governments in their educational response to COVID-19, UNESCO has collaborated with partners to develop a COVID-19...
Creating a Digital Strategy for Aotearoa (Te waihanga i te Rautaki Matihiko mō Aotearoa)
How we keep pace with changes in digital technologies, and how they are used in our economy and across our communities, will have a strong impact on Aotearoa New Zealand’s future prosperity. The...
Critical and Emerging Technology List Update
To generate this updated CET list, the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) facilitated an extensive interagency deliberative process through the National Science and Technology Council...
Danish National Strategy for Cyber and Information Security 2022-2024
Digitisation is a key driver for the development of Danish society. New opportunities for economic growth and increased prosperity come with technological progress. However, the high level of...
Datenstrategie der Bundesregierung (Data Strategy of the Federal Government)
Wir sind davon überzeugt, dass wir dank der Maßnahmen der Datenstrategie unsere europäischen Werte, unsere Vorstellungen von Datenschutz und Souveränität im Zeitalter von globalem Datenverkehr und...
DigComp 2.2: The Digital Competence Framework for Citizens
The Digital Competence Framework for Citizen (DigComp) provides a common understanding of what digital competence is. The present publication has two main parts: the integrated DigComp 2.2 framework...
Digital 2030: A strategic framework for post-16 digital learning in Wales
During the last 30 years, since the invention of the world wide web, our world has changed dramatically; and continues to change at a rapid rate. ‘Digital’ has become increasingly central to our...
Digital Action Plan for Education and Higher Education - Québec
The Digital Action Plan for Education and Higher Education is based on the effective integration and optimal use of digital technologies to foster the success of all Quebecers in order to promote...
Digital Agenda 2020 - Chile
El Gobierno del Presidente Sebastián Piñera está trabajando para presentar próximamente al país una Agenda de Transformación Digital, la cual continuará con los avances alcanzados por la Agenda...
Digital Agenda 2020 for Estonia
According to an analysis conducted by Eesti Arengufond (Estonian Development Fund), the estimated economic growth generated by the ICT sector in Estonia over this decade will be between 0.9 and...
Digital Austria: Education & Research
Die Digitalisierung ist im Bereich Bildung & Forschung ein entscheidender Hebel, um zu einer führenden Innovationsregion in Europa zu werden. Moderner Unterricht, hochwertige Aus-, Weiter- und...
Digital Economy Transformation Strategy 2021 to 2030 (Strategija Digitalne Transformacije...
Strategija zajema obdobje od leta 2021 do leta 2030. Pripravljena je bila vzporedno z že začetimi procesi digitalizacije, informatizacije in enotnega digitalnega trga EU. Strategija poudarja...
Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027)
The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) is a renewed European Union (EU) policy initiative to support the sustainable and effective adaptation of the education and training systems of EU...
Digital Education Strategy of Hungary (Magyarország Digitális Oktatási Stratégiája)
The Government has prepared the Digital Success Programme (DSP) aimed at the digital development of the Hungarian society and the Hungarian national economy based on the results of the InternetKon...
Digital Government Strategy - U.S. Department of State
U.S. Government agencies are asked to “build a 21st century digital Government that delivers better digital services to the American people.”
Digital Infrastructure Strategy 2025: Turning Finland into the world leader in communications...
The digital infrastructure strategy specifies Finland's technology-neutral broadband objectives for 2025 and the means by which they will be achieved. The needs of both business and consumers have...
Digital Operations Strategic Plan: 2021–2024
The Government of Canada (GC) Digital Operations Strategic Plan (DOSP) for 2021–2024 fulfills the responsibility of the Chief Information Officer of Canada, set out in the Treasury Board Policy on...
Digital skills for digital Greece: Action Plan 2019 for the promotion of innovation and digital...
The Action Plan for 2019 is part of a general direction to create the context for a strategic framework for the development of digital skills for the period 2020-2022, which includes the mapping...
Digital Strategy 2022 to 2025 - South Australia Department for Education
Now more than ever, digital technology is transforming how we learn and work. By embracing the opportunities provided by today’s technology, we can shape the future of our education system for...
Digital Strategy 2022-2026: A great digital future for every Queenslander
Maturing our digital services and capability to better prepare Queenslanders to work, learn, play and succeed in a world with a constantly evolving technology landscape.
Digital Strategy 2025 - Germany
The Digital Strategy 2025 programme demonstrates how the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) has been setting priorities in recent years, developing capabilities and using new...
Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027
The Digital Strategy for Schools to 2027 builds on the achievements and ambition of the previous strategy and aims to further support the school system to ensure that all learners have the...
Digital Switzerland Strategy
Today digitalisation increasingly defines our lives. For a country such as Switzerland which lacks natural resources it is important to make the best use of the opportunities which arise for...
Digital technology and the futures of education – towards ‘non-stupid’ optimism
Digital technologies are an increasingly prominent feature of contemporary education provision and practice around the world, and are central to the popular imagination of futures of education. The...
Digital Transformation Bible 2020 - 2025 (Βίβλος Ψηφιακού Μετασχηματισμού 2020 - 2025)
H Βίβλος Ψηφιακού Μετασχηματισμού αποτελεί μια καταγραφή των απαραίτητων παρεμβάσεων στις τεχνολογικές υποδομές του κράτους, στην εκπαίδευση και κατάρτιση του πληθυσμού για την απόκτηση ψηφιακών...
Digital Wallonia
Digital Wallonia embodies the digital ambition of Wallonia. Digital Wallonia comes in three complementary concepts and inseparable: strategy, platform and brand.
Digitale kompetencer og digital læring (Digital competencies and digital learning)
National handlingsplan for de videregående uddannelser.
Digitale Zukunft: Lernen. Forschen. Wissen. Die Digitalstrategie des BMBF (Digital future....
Die Digitalisierung verändert unser Leben: wie wir lernen, uns informieren und kommunizieren, wie wir arbeiten, Wissen schaffen und einsetzen. Auf diesen Veränderungen gründen gleichzeitig...
Digitalisation agenda for primary and secondary education
The Digitalisation agenda for primary and secondary education marks the start of a new discussion about education and digitalisation. Everyone’s contribution is welcome. The agenda aims to promote...
Digitalisation strategy for the higher education sector 2017- 2021
In order for higher education and research in Norway to leverage the potential of technology to improve student learning, make the range of study options available on a wide scale, and support...
Digitalization Report: Now for Tomorrow (Digitalisierungsbericht)
It’s essential to take the necessary steps today to make Austria’s economy and society more resilient and ready to face future crises. Making the right investment now will secure Austria’s position...
Dutch Digitalisation Strategy 2021
The COVID-19 pandemic forced us to work, learn, shop and relax from home and online. The government, too, switched to working fully online within a short space of time: this way many policies could...
Educ-AI-tion Rebooted? Exploring the future of artificial intelligence in schools and colleges
Students, parents, teachers, government and regulators must wake up to the potential of artificial intelligence tools for education (AIEd), because as the world changes – our schools will change...
Educa en Digital - Digital program to promote the technological transformation of education in Spain
Según estimaciones del Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional, en la actualidad no tienen recursos para acceder a la educación desde el hogar (dispositivo electrónico con conectividad a...
Education and Training Monitor 2020: Lithuania
Supporting and better preparing teachers is key to making the adoption of ICT beneficial for student learning. Research shows that student achievement does not benefit from simply increasing ICT...
Education for a Changing World: Policy reform and innovation strategy
Education for a Changing World seeks to explore and influence the policies and reforms to ensure education best prepares young people to successfully navigate a more complex world and the future...
Education in an artificially intelligent world: Kennisnet Technology Compass 2019-2020
Education is geared towards a future in which teacher and technology work together to teach students the knowledge and skills necessary for a meaningful and successful life. Technology can’t do it...
Education Technology (EdTech) Survey 2020-21
Education Technology (EdTech) refers to the practice of using technology to support teaching and the effective day-to-day management of education institutions. In 2019, the Department for Education...
Educational Technologies in China
China is leading in the application of new digital technologies in education. The market is young, albeit highly competitive, as parents willingly adopt any technological innovation that could help...
einfach digital - Zukunftskompetenze fir staark Kanner (Simply Digital – skills of the future for...
L’Éducation nationale se retrouve au premier plan pour transmettre aux enfants et aux jeunes les compétences dont ils ont besoin pour évoluer avec succès et en toute sécurité dans cet environnement...
Engaging Girls with E-Learning: A curated list of good practices
This document was produced in response to a request from the UNICEF Sudan team that was submitted to the EdTech Hub Helpdesk in October 2021. The UNICEF Sudan team requested a curated list of good...
Enhancing Learning and Teaching through the Use of Digital Technology: A digital learning and...
Digital technology can make a substantial contribution to this improvement agenda by enriching education across all areas of Curriculum for Excellence. If used effectively and appropriately, digital...
España Digital 2025 (Digital Spain 2025)
Digital Spain 2025 contains a collection of measures, reforms and investments, organised around ten strategic axes, aligned with the digital policies defined by the European Commission for the new...
Estonia AI Strategy Report (interesting documents in development process inside the publication)
In July 2019, an expert group led by Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and the Government Office presented a policy report together with proposals to advance the up-take of AI in...
Estonia: Lifelong Learning Strategy 2020
The Estonian Lifelong Learning Strategy considers every individual as a learner – children as well as youth and adults. Learning must become an integral part of an individual’s active approach...
Estrategia de Transformación digital - Chile Digital 2035
La Comisión de Transportes y Telecomunicaciones del Senado, con el apoyo de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), la Asociación de Empresas de Telecomunicaciones (Chile...
Ethics guidelines for trustworthy AI
The aim of the guidelines is to promote Trustworthy AI. Trustworthy AI has three components, which should be met throughout the system's entire life cycle: it should be lawful, ethical and robust.
Europe’s Digital Decade: digital targets for 2030
On 9 March 2021, the European Commission presented a vision and avenues for Europe’s digital transformation by 2030. The Commission proposes a Digital Compass for the EU's digital decade that...
Eurydice: National Policies Platform
Eurydice is a network whose task is to explain how education systems are organised in Europe and how they work. We publish descriptions of national education systems, comparative studies devoted to...
For a meaningful artificial intelligence. Towards a French and European strategy
Le 29 mars 2018, au Collège de France, le Président de la République a présenté sa vision et sa stratégie pour faire de la France un pays leader de l’intelligence artificielle.
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