PARIS21 2021 Annual Meetings: Data as a public good – Building resilience for a post-pandemic world


Edwin St Catherine

Data Point Solutions


Edwin St Catherine holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Economics from the University of the West Indies. In 1992 he was awarded a Master of Science Degree in Economics and Politics by the University of Cambridge, England. From 1993 to 2019, Mr. St Catherine has been the Director of the Central Statistical Office of St Lucia. Mr. St Catherine retired from the position of Director of Statistics in February 2019 after 28 years serving in that position. Mr. St Catherine was a member of CARICOM’s Regional Advisory Group on Statistics. In addition, Mr. St Catherine has served on and chaired several UN Statistical Division Expert Groups, including the review of the World Demographic Yearbook and the development of the UN principles and recommendations for the 2010 round of Censuses. Mr. St Catherine has worked extensively on the development and conduct of labour force surveys in Caribbean Countries. He is a registered expert with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on inflation, price index measurement, and national consumption expenditure baskets development; in that regard, he has worked as a technical advisor to the Caribbean, African and Pacific countries. Mr. St Catherine has been a Consultant Statistician to the Caribbean Development Bank, PAHO/WHO, UNDP, and the Inter-American Development Bank on Country Poverty Assessments, Health, Crime, and other social surveys in most Caribbean countries for the last 15 years. He is also a data processing/capture expert of long-standing for Censuses, Household Budget, Knowledge Attitudes, and Practices surveys etc.. He is currently responsible for implementing computer-assisted personal interviewing and internet data capture systems in the Census 2020 round. Mr. St Catherine is now the CEO of his firm; Data Point Solutions, Inc. Mr. St Catherine is experienced managing trade in goods statistical systems.