OECD Forum Series 2022: Closing the Cancer Gap: Towards Better Screening and Treatment

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OECD Forum Series 2022 Closing the Cancer Gap  
Towards Better Screening and Treatment
8 December 2022 14:30 - 16:00 CET

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Up to a million cancer diagnoses may have been missed across Europe alone as a result of the pandemic, while one in two patients with cancer did not receive treatment in a timely manner. 

The 2022 edition of the OECD report Health at a Glance: Europe focuses on the direct and indirect health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, which have led to the largest drop in life expectancy observed since World War II. 

In the face of the most significant shock that our health systems in Europe have faced in the last 75 years, we must now think about healing and rebuilding. This is particularly true in the fight against cancer, which must urgently be put back on the agenda. 

This OECD Forum Virtual Event will thus bring together leading experts and stakeholders to discuss what steps can be taken to close the cancer gap, and help ensure uncounted victims from the pandemic receive the attention and care they deserve.  

Closing the Cancer Gap: 
Towards Better Screening and Treatment

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