OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial


Kyle Bobiwash

Office of the Chief Science Advisor - University of Manitoba

Researcher in Residence - Professor


Dr. Kyle Bobiwash, of Mississauga First Nation, is an Assistant Professor and an Indigenous Scholar in the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences at the University of Manitoba. At the University of Manitoba, his lab focuses on understanding the ecology of beneficial insects in agro-ecosystems and the greater landscape. Their goal is to better characterize the landscape and resources utilized by insects to understand how land management might affect insect community composition and ecosystem service delivery. In addition to his ecological work, Kyle is also researcher in residence with the Office of the Chief Science Advisory of Canada, and seconded to the Interdepartmental Indigenous STEM cluster, where he combines his academic work on biodiversity and building Indigenous science capacity with government-wide efforts to build a Canadian science ecosystem that is driven by Indigenous leadership and collaboration.

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