OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial

Panel B2.2 - Developing talent and promoting diverse research career paths in a world in transition

Apr 23, 2024 | 12:05 PM - 1:50 PM



Breakout B2: Equipping society in a fastchanging world

Developing talent and promoting diverse research career paths in a world in transitionBreakout 2: Equipping society in a fast-changing world

The session will unveil the Research and Innovation Careers Observatory (ReICO), an initiative where the European Commission and the OECD join forces, aimed at addressing key challenges in nurturing and deploying research talent. Discussions will encompass the critical role of scientific and technical capacity in successful green and digital transitions. Emphasis will be placed on supporting both fundamental and solutions-focused academic research, while recognizing the relevance of research competencies beyond academia, particularly in entrepreneurship and policymaking. Digital capacities and skills in research will be highlighted as essential for harnessing vast data resources and AI tools, necessitating expanded training and collaboration across sectors. Furthermore, the session will address the need for revising research assessment criteria to promote equity, diversity, and inclusion, alongside the importance of evidence-based policy interventions for improving research skills and careers. Collaboration among countries and international organizations is essential for developing a sustainable monitoring and policy analysis agenda to meet the diverse needs of stakeholders and facilitate informed research career choices.

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Key resources

Background document

Explore the OECD resources linked to the session 'Developing talent and promoting diverse research career paths in a world in transition' during Breakout 2: Equipping society in a fast-changing world.
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