OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial

Frequently asked questions

OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial

23-24 April 2024 | Paris, France

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What is the Committee for Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP)?
CSTP was established in 1972 to enhance cooperation among OECD members countries and partners, in science, technology and innovation policy, with a view to contributing to the achievement of economic, social, and scientific aims, including growth and the creation of jobs, sustainable development, improved well-being of their citizens and advancing the frontiers of knowledge. It pays particular attention to the integration of science, technology, and innovation policy with other aspects of government policy, which is of increasing importance in the development of increasingly globalised knowledge economies. CSTP oversees the work of the OECD Global Science Forum (GSF), of the Working Party on Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Converging technology (BNCT), of the Working Party of National Experts on Science and Technology Indicators (NESTI), of the Working Party on Technology and Innovation Policy (TIP), of the OECD Space Forum and the Science, Innovation, and the Ocean programme.
Why is Minister level participation important?
Ministers of science, technology and innovation are at the forefront of transformative actions to address global challenges. They are called to endorse a fit for purpose Declaration, which outlines a shared vision for future science, technology, and innovation policies, based on shared values. The CSTP Ministerial will provide them with additional tools to fast-track transformative actions in the face of crises and geopolitical tensions. The CSTP Ministerial meeting is an opportunity for ministers to come together and to actively engage in dialogues and share best practices with their counterparts across OECD countries and beyond, including high-level representatives of international organisations, and with business and civil society. Their in-person presence at the OECD serves as a testament to their commitment to the principles of international cooperation, while also reinforcing the role of science, technology, and innovation in accelerating sustainability transitions.
Who's chairing the Ministerial meeting?
The Ministerial meeting is chaired by France, and co-chaired by Austria, Colombia, Korea, Norway, Spain, and Switzerland.
 How can I register?
Please note that registrations are now closed. Should you have any last-minute requests or related questions, please contact cstpministerial2024@oecd.org.

Delegations are recommended to appoint a single Point of Contact to fill out the registration forms on behalf of the Minister/Head of Delegation and other participants. 
For Member countries, ideally this should be a member of the Permanent Delegation. 
For non-member countries, we would recommend a member of their Paris-based embassy. The Point of Contact will fill out one form per participant. 
Once the registration has been submitted each registered member of the official delegation will receive an acknowledgement of registration, upon approval and review by the Secretariat, each participant will receive an email with a login button to the Ministerial website. 

For the Ministerial meeting on 23-24 April 2024 [FORM A], each delegation will be capped to 8 participants. 

On the Ministerial meeting registration form [FORM A], the Point of Contact can also indicate if a delegate will join the Multistakeholder High-level Dialogue. Participants beyond the 8 registered delegates can self-register for the Multistakeholder High-Level Dialogue using [FORM B]. Due to space restrictions, please note that individuals outside the official 8-person delegation registered through [FORM B] will not have access to Ministerial sessions, only Multistakeholder High-level Dialogue sessions. 

Once delegates are registered for the Ministerial meeting [FORM A], they can begin to choose the sessions they wish to take part in and book bilateral meetings on the website, etc. 
How to access OECD Headquarters and Conference Centre? 
Click here to get information on how to access OECD Headquarters and Conference Centre. 
How to book bilateral rooms? 
During your participation at the Ministerial we have facilitated the booking of bilateral rooms with selected counterparts, a quick and easy way to meet in 25-minute meetings. Please click here and  follow the steps to arrange your own meetings and make your bookings a success. 
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