OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial

How to book bilateral rooms?

OECD Science and Technology Policy Ministerial

23-24 April 2024 | Paris, France

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During your participation at the Ministerial we have facilitated the booking of bilateral rooms with selected counterparts, a quick and easy way to meet in 25-minute meetings. Please follow the next steps to arrange your own meetings and make your bookings a success. 

 Step 1 - Click on the My profile icon at the top right corner of the page. In the dropdown menu, select “My information” 

 Step 2 - If you have not accepted yet, "Allow networking" by making sure there's a check mark under the question: Want to network with others? You will not be able to book bilateral meetings, unless you have chosen this option. In this tab you will also be able to update your personal information. 

 Step 3 - Browse the list of participants by clicking on the "My contacts" tab". 

Step 4 - Click on the "Contact" button under the participant's name you'd like to meet with, to send a message. On the right hand corner of your message box, you will have the option to "Add a meeting to the request".
Step 5 - Under the "Add a meeting to the request", you'll be able to choose between the options of: Book a meeting or Free meeting. Book a meeting: Will provide you with the pre-established 25 minutes timeslots provided for the use of Bilateral meeting rooms. In this case, once the other person has accepted the meeting, you will automatically be assigned a room for it. Free meeting: Will provide you the ability to propose a meeting at a time and place of your choosing. Choose the timeslot that best suits you. You can coordinate a meeting by suggesting an informal location and timing. Once the other person has accepted the meeting, you will be assigned a room for it. 

Step 6 -  You can view your meetings in the "My Agenda" tab. To consult your messages with other participants use the "My Messages"tab. Remember to check your meeting notifications regularly to view, accept and refuse your meeting requests. 

Note that the participant notification will not be sent straight away but 24 hours after a contact request, message or meeting request is triggered.

Frequently asked questions regarding bilateral room use

How do I request a meeting?
Once registered to the "Bilateral Rooms", you will be able to contact other participants and ask them for meetings. To do so, you can click on the "Bilateral Rooms" tab of the top menu, then browse the list of other participants. If you want to meet another participant, click on the "Contact" button and choose "Add a meeting to the request". In this meeting request, choose the timeslot that best suits you. Once the other person has accepted the meeting, you will be assigned a room for the it.
Where can I access my meetings agenda?
You can access the planning for your Bilateral Room meetings by clicking on the "My agenda" button. Be sure to check it regularly for updates.
What are the best practices for bilateral room meetings?
Bilateral meetings are a great way to meet with other participants present at the ministerial. For it to be a success, please: 
  1.  Make sure to regularly check for meeting requests in your messages. 
  2.  Answer your requests by either accepting or declining the meeting. 
  3.  Check regularly your Bilateral Meetings agenda, where you will also see your meeting rooms. 
  4.  Be on time, and if you can't make it then please inform the other participant by sending a message.
What the colour code means?
A sticker is present at the top right of the time slots: - Green indicates to the participant that he/she is available on this slot - Orange indicates that the participant is not available in that slot For an area, the choice of a slot remains possible as long as the ‘appointments proposed on it have not been validated by the participants