OECD Global Parliamentary Network Plenary Meeting 2024


Martina Berthold

State Parliament of Salzburg

Member of Parliament



Ms Berthold is the leader of the Green Party in the Salzburg state parliament. Professional training: educational scientist and project manager; Professional experience: Project management in women's and educational work, organizational consultant in the Salzburg state administration; Political career: Spokesperson for the Green Women 2003-2009; 2023-2018 Member of the Salzburg state government (women, education, youth, science, integration and sport); 2019-2022 City Councilor in the City of Salzburg (Construction), state spokesperson for the Greens since 2022; Since 2023, leader of the Green Party in the Salzburg state parliament - current priorities: environmental, nature and climate protection, energy transition, promotion of women and violence prevention, affordable, ecological housing, sustainability in public administration