2024 OECD Global Forum on Building Trust and Reinforcing Democracy

Venue and travel

Getting to the Palazzo Lombardia

Piazza Città di Lombardia, 1
20124 Milano MI

Additional Information

Travel services

Please contact Regent International Milan travel agency to manage your travel needs.

-> Email address: ocsemilan@regint.it 
-> Phone number: +39 02 72000507

Regent International can provide delegates with a dedicated, comprehensive travel and hotel reservation service. For a flat fee of EUR 20 per reservation, they can advise on preferred rates across a selection of hotels in Milan.

Regent International Milan: 50 years providing top level business service to our worldwide guests: travels, accommodations, car rental, transfers, restaurants, and much more.

Nearby lunch venues

5 minutes walking distance

-> Café Gorille (€-€€) Breakfast/sandwich/quick lunch, Via Gaetano de Castillia, 20 +39026887627

-> Dolce Fantasia Bar Caffe (€-€€) Breakfast/Sandwiches, Via Tonale 12 +393716347639 

 -> Bar Sasseti (€-€€) Sandwiches/breakfast, Via Filippo Sassetti, 15 +3902603047    

10 minutes walking distance

-> Piedra del Sol (€€) Mexican food, Via Emilio Cornalia, 2 +39026691901 

 -> Bosco Verticale Restaurant (€€) Italian vegetarian options, Via Federico Confalonieri, Via Volturno, 15 +39026880836 

 -> Ristorante Sardo a Milano – Tà Bonu! (€€) Italian-Sardinian (possibility to take away), Via Fabio Filzi, 15 +390280020010