GFTech: The human future: What’s on the horizon?

Emerging technologies are ushering in rapid social, economic and cultural shifts. A new wave of change is upon us. The emergence of mass-market AI tools is a significant impetus. The urgent need for solutions to global challenges has also focused and aligned many interests. Technology convergence and advancements in immersive technologies, new generation networks, biotechnology, neurotechnology and quantum technologies are expected to drive transitions in the energy sector, enhance food security, create new pathways for learning, bring about medical breakthroughs and extend reach of public services. 

Despite the opportunities and promises, these technological and societal developments will bring about inevitable disruptions that require thoughtful analysis and a breadth of perspective to identify trends and inform policy. Wisdom can be found in hindsight analysis and lessons learned, factoring geopolitics and other sources of strain on social cohesion. Just as importantly, looking ahead can help us foresee change and inform anticipatory governance that steers technology to better outcomes. 

This Global Forum on Technology (GFTech) event will convene policymakers, technologists and stakeholders to explore visions of the human future that guide responsible and rights-oriented technology development and deployment – a future where emerging technologies foster resilient societies, better address climate change, and cooperation leads to policies that help bridge digital and technological divides. 

The event will explore new developments that appear poised to move humans into even more digitally and technologically- enabled experiences, including IoT-enabled environments, virtual worlds, and digital twins, as well as human enhancement enabled through biological, neuro or other technological applications on the horizon.

With a mix of feature presentations on technologies, panels and roundtables, discussion will focus on three high-impact areas: health and well-being, learning and cognition and sustainable immersive spaces. Speakers will discuss emerging use cases, consider technology convergence and explore the specific human implications, opportunities, challenges and policy considerations. A closing plenary session will draw insights from the event to feed into future activities for the GFTech community. 

About the Global Forum on Technology (GFTech)

Announced at the December 2022 OECD Digital Economy Ministerial meeting, the OECD Global Forum on Technology is a venue for regular in-depth dialogue to foresee and get ahead of long-term opportunities and risks presented by technology. It facilitates inclusive, multi-stakeholder and values-based discussions on specific technology policy topics, responding to gaps in existing fora. 

GFTech is an OECD initiative to unite the world’s best minds in technology with forward-looking policymakers to reduce uncertainties about the risks of cutting-edge technologies. The forum uses a people-centric approach to develop effective solutions that harness democracy and human rights to protect our shared values. Promoting international co-operation and sharing stakeholder insights provides an opportunity to ignite thought-provoking ideas, making GFTech a unique platform to facilitate this conversation.