Building our Biofuture: Policy issues and opportunities for next generation biotechnologies


Aisén Etcheverry Escudero

Government of Chile

Minister of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation


Aisén Etcheverry has extensive experience in the field of digital technologies and public policies of STI. She has promoted key initiatives for the protection of personal data, open access to knowledge, and the development of high technology initiatives. In the public sector, she was head of the Department of Public Policies of INAPI (National Institute of Industrial Property), advisor to the Ministry of Economy for international negotiations on Intellectual Property and technologies associated with personal data. She was executive director of the Committee for Digital Transformation at the National Development and Production Corporation, and the first director of the National Agency for Research and Development. At the time of her appointment, she was the President of the National Council of STI. She is a lawyer from the University of Chile and a Master of Laws from the University of San Francisco, California.

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