OECD Forum on Due Diligence in the Garment and Footwear Sector

Helpdesks as a means to close the action and knowledge gap on HREDD in producing countries

Feb 20, 2024 | 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM


Organised by: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) The German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development commissioned the GIZ to establish a Network of “Responsible Business Helpdesks” (RBH). The RBH function as support structures for suppliers on the implementation of HREDD and new related legislation. The RBH build local capacities on HREDD by raising awareness, information services and providing (or directing to) training offers. The RBH are hosted by associations and chambers in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Vietnam and Serbia. Soon, there will be four additional RBH in Mexico, Pakistan, Tunisia, and Turkey. This session will discuss the experiences on HREDD of the RBH Network and those of business organisations such as amfori who are directly working with textile producing companies. It will be touched upon how companies can be best supported and how HREDD (legislation) is perceived by them. Watch session on replay

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