2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Zakhona Mvelase

African Women Against Corruption Network

Founder/Executive Director


Zakhona is a seasoned anti-corruption practitioner and has spent over a decade in the field of governance and anti-corruption in South Africa. She is internationally Certified as Fraud Examiner and holds a Master’s degree from Harvard University, she is an awardee of The Harvard South Africa fellowship, which is a fellowship that is awarded to mid-careers who model ethical leadership, knowledge sharing and serve as a resource to improve and transform their communities, she is also an awardee of the John F Kennedy fellowship from Harvard Kennedy School which she received in recognition of her outstanding academic achievement and professional promise with significant distinction. She has special interest in the research of interface of gender and corruption, and finding context responsive solutions, in 2021 she founded African Women Against Corruption Network (AWACN) to amplify the voice of women against corruption in Africa and focus the lens on the impact of corruption on women and girls. Zakhona serves as a Chairwoman of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) Coalition Taskforce on Mainstreaming Gender in Anti-Corruption frameworks. In 2023, Zakhona was selected as an Eisenhower Global Fellow recognising her as an emerging global leader committed to creating a world more peaceful, prosperous and just!

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