2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

Side Events

25 & 28 March 2024

Event Agenda

All session times reflect your computer's local time zone. 
All sessions will take place at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris. 
These events will not be recorded or available for replay.


1 : March 25, 2024
08:00 - 17:00
Meeting of the Public Integrity Indicators Taskforce
(Room E, Château, by-invitation only)
Meeting of the Auditors Alliance
(Auditorium, open only to members of the Auditors Alliance) The Auditors Alliance continues to bring together internal and external public sector auditors from around the world. It is a platform for all public sector auditors - internal and external auditors from international, national, and sub-national levels of the public sector - to share good practices, practical methodologies, expertise, and innovations to overcome shared challenges and pursue excellence.
08:00 - 16:30
Fostering integrity policies & strengthening anti-corruption frameworks in Asia-Pacific
(Room D, Château, by-invitation only) By fostering a network of leaders committed to promoting anti-corruption measures, this meeting aims to have a practical, region-wide impact that will lead a collective drive for integrity in governance across Asia-Pacific.
08:00 - 14:30
Meeting of the Anti-Corruption Leaders Hub
The annual ACLH meeting of corporate Chief Compliance Officers and anti-corruption and integrity leaders from government and civil society will inform national and international anti-corruption standards to enhance global application, foster dialogue between the private sector, government and civil society on pressing challenges and opportunities, and provide valuable insights to existing workstreams in the Galvanizing Private Sector initiative (GPS), ensuring their activities are aligned with the latest developments in the fight against corruption.
13:00 - 14:30
Dirty business for a cleaner future? Navigating Corruption Risks in Transition Mineral Supply Chains
(CC18) The surge in mineral demand driven by the global shift towards clean energy technologies presents a pressing challenge in the context of anti-corruption efforts. Notably, significant amounts of key resources like cobalt, graphite, copper, and rare earth elements are mined in regions characterised by low governance scores. Since corruption is often an enabler of other adverse impacts, there is a risk that overlooking integrity risks may divert much-needed resources for development and exacerbate local tensions. The session will examine how anti-corruption efforts can support better development outcomes in the context of emerging government-to-government supply partnerships and downstream companies’ due diligence. Speakers: - Ludivine Wouters, Director, Latitude Five - Jan Bollmann, Advisor for Resource Governance, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) - Richard Morgan, Head of Government and International Relations, Anglo American - François Valérian, Chair, Transparency International - Jamie Wallisch, Regulatory & Sustainability Expert, ESG & Responsible Sourcing, Assent Compliance - Monica Chipanta Mwansa, Deputy Director General, Anti-Corruption Commission, Zambia - Baby Matabishi, Revenues & EITI Coordinator, Extractive Industry Governance Program for the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Carter Center - Pavlo Verkhniatskyi, Managing Partner, COSA
13:30 - 15:00
Gender: And What About Corruption?
(CC4) Participants will share stories and insights on the links between gender and corruption. This will inform discussions on how diversity overall can be used as a tool to combat corruption and what role women can play in this broader strategy. Moderator: - Ms. Pradeepa Jeeva, VP, Brand & Culture, Global Fund for Women Speakers: - Ms. Alison Matthews, Programme Lead for Advocacy and Legal Advice Centres, Transparency International - Ms. Jennifer Sarvary-Bradford, Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Officer, Corruption and Economic Crime Branch, UNODC - Ms. Monica Kirya, Lawyer, U4 - Ms. Julia Lírio, Federal Auditor, Office of the Comptroller General, Brazil
15:00 - 16:30
Tackling Corporate Corruption Together: Harnessing the Power of Peer-Learning
(CC18) The anti-corruption community has long agreed that combating corruption requires a collective approach that breaks down traditional siloes between and within the public and private sectors. But it is less clear how this can be done in practice. This session will explore the transformative impact of peer learning in fostering a corporate culture of integrity and preventing corruption. Specifically, the session will delve into innovative initiatives like Compliance Without Borders, where collaborative efforts between state-owned enterprises and the private sector have yielded practical and concrete organisational change in anti-corruption compliance. Introductory remarks • John Koogler, Branch Chief, Global Programs and Policy, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Department of State Moderator: Alison McMeekin, Team Lead on Anti-Corruption & Sustainability in State-Owned Enterprises, OECD Speakers: • Vanessa Hans, Head of Private Sector, Basel Institute on Governance • Rauno Hoffman, Global Head of Corporate Compliance Management System, Novartis & Compliance without Borders Alumni • Joseph Mauro, Senior Counsel, Integrity Compliance Office, World Bank (virtual) • Laila Odina, Chief Executive Officer, Riga International Airport & Compliance without Borders Alumni
15:30 - 17:00
Leveraging AI and data analytics in the fight against foreign bribery
(CC4) In 2021, the OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation acknowledged for the first time that, beyond informing policy, data can enhance foreign bribery enforcement capabilities and business integrity. This panel will explore how enforcement authorities use data analytics and artificial intelligence to support the detection, investigation and prosecution of foreign bribery, and how businesses leverage these technologies to enhance their anti-corruption compliance systems. Speakers: - Ms. Elisabeth Danon, Legal Analyst, OECD - Mr. Matthew Galvin, Counsel, Data Analytics and Compliance for the Department of Justice, Criminal Division, Fraud Section - Ms. Vivianne Gordon-Pullar, Group Chief Compliance Officer, SAP - Mr. Marcelo Donolo, Senior Strategy and Operations Officer at the World Bank


2 : March 26, 2024
08:00 - 15:00
Workshop on assessing corporate anti-corruption compliance measures
(CC7) The 2021 OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation encourages law enforcement and other government agencies to provide guidance on assessing the adequacy and effectiveness of corporate anti-corruption compliance measures when using incentives for fostering anti-corruption compliance. It is therefore essential to understand how governments can make accurate assessments to ensure that the incentives are given to deserving companies to effectively incentivise corporate compliance. However, assessing the effectiveness of corporate compliance programmes is a challenge, both for governments and companies. This workshop will provide an opportunity for public and private sector stakeholders, as well as civil society and academia to take stock of approaches and methodologies used for assessing corporate anti-corruption compliance measures, and to examine the challenges faced when assessing the effectiveness of corporate anti-corruption compliance
13:30 - 15:30
OECD Trusted Dialogue on Getting Influence Right
The initiative gathers representatives from government, business and civil society to develop a modern international standard, providing practical guidance for companies and their representatives on how to lobby and engage responsibly with governments over the policymaking process (By-invitation only. To join the initiative, contact Pauline.Bertrand@OECD.org
Trusted Dialogue: Tech Connect for Integrity
This will be a "Trusted Dialogue” meeting for Tech Connect for Integrity, under the Galvanizing Private Sector (GPS) initiative. It will involve the Tech & Analytics Community of Practice, industry and civil society. This is an invitation-only session and registration is now closed.


3 : March 27, 2024
08:30 - 11:00
Meeting of the lobbying commissioners, registrars & oversight entities
(CC18) This meeting brings together the main public actors ensuring integrity and transparency in lobbying and influence to share new legislative and institutional reforms in the lobbying and influence space, as well as explore emerging challenges and identify solutions to ensure government lobbying and influence standards remain fit-for-purpose.
10:30 - 12:00
Fostering integrity and strengthening the fight against corruption in the LAC region
(by-invitation only) This meeting brings together the main actors of the public integrity systems in the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region to enable the exchange of ideas, experiences, good practices and lessons learned in the implementation of integrity and anti-corruption policies.
13:00 - 15:00
Kick-off meeting: Integrity and Anti-Corruption Review of Ukraine
(by-invitation only) An OECD Integrity and Anti-Corruption Review will be conducted as part of the OECD-Ukraine Country Programme. The Review will help Ukraine design and implement comprehensive integrity and anti-corruption strategies and policies to improve standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability, improve its system of incentivising anti-corruption compliant business, as well as better equipping Ukraine with anti-corruption mechanisms and tools for safeguarding its reconstruction efforts from corruption. This kick-off meeting will officially launch the Review and provide an opportunity to introduce OECD experts and Ukrainian public officials, and provide a space to discuss the objectives, timeline, and thematic chapters. Contact: Ms. Oksana Huss, Review Coordinator, Public Governance, Oksana.Huss@oecd.org.
13:30 - 15:00
Promoting integrity and fighting corruption in the MENA region
(by-invitation only) This meeting brings together practitioners from the Middle East & North Africa (MENA) region who work in the integrity field and related areas to discuss common challenges and exchange good practices in promoting integrity and fighting corruption in the region.
14:30 - 16:30
Consultation on tackling bribery solicitation
(CC6) Bribery solicitation is a common risk for companies doing business abroad. Following a historical demand from private sector representatives, the OECD Working Group on Bribery included a section on “Addressing the demand side” in the 2021 OECD Anti-Bribery Recommendation. Building on these provisions, this consultation will provide an opportunity for public and private sector stakeholders, as well as civil society and academia to share good practices and discuss innovative approaches to address bribery solicitation.


4 : March 28, 2024
08:30 - 17:00
Working Party of the Senior Public Integrity Officials (SPIO)
(CC6, Closed Meeting)
08:30 - 10:00
Uncovering Truth: The Role of Investigative Journalism in Anti-Corruption
(CC4) Current pressures on democracy and the rule of law represent a threat to the fight against corruption. In this context, investigative journalism and media reporting are essential to raise public awareness and bring to light corruption. This session will explore how different public authorities, the media and civil society actors, with the support of international organisations, can work together to ensure a safer environment for investigative journalism and strengthen efforts to raise awareness and fight corruption and bribery. Moderator: France Chain, Senior Legal Analyst, Anti-Corruption Division, OECD Speakers: • Alessandro Bellantoni Director of Policy and Partnerships, Open Government Partnership • Frank Brown, Director of the Anti-Corruption and Governance Centre, CIPE • Silvana Carrión Ordinola, Public Attorney, Peru • Alexandre Leraitre & David Gendreau, Documentary Directors, Tribann Sécurité • Julia Wallace, Deputy Editor in Chief, OCCRP
10:30 - 12:00
Unmasking Corruption, Empowering Whistleblowers
(CC4) Whistleblowers play a pivotal role in reporting corruption and bribery, and generally promoting integrity and ending cultures of secrecy within organisations. This session will explore the dynamics of combatting corruption while ensuring and enhancing protections for whistleblowers. Looking at the current landscape of anti-bribery efforts and grappling with the challenges of reconciling investigations with safeguarding whistleblowers, panelists will discuss the policies, realities, and technological advancements shaping whistleblower protection. Moderator: France Chain, Senior Legal Analyst, Anti-Corruption Division, OECD Speakers: • Camilo Rubiano, Legal Officer of Public Services International • Chloe Wootton, Head of Policy and Engagement, UK Serious Fraud Office • Drago Kos, Member of the Board of Directors of Integrity Fellowship and Sanctuary • Kalliopi Zouvia Senior Investigator and Data Protection Officer, Greek Ombudsman • Stephen Kohn, Partner at Kohn, Kohn & Colapinto and Chairman of the Board at National Whistleblower Center
13:30 - 15:30
Fighting high-level corruption in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
(CC4) The session will focus on the findings of the recent analyses carried out by the OECD Anti-Corruption Network for Eastern Europe and Central Asia (ACN) of the state of play in combating high-level corruption, as well as brainstorm on the possible ways for enhancing the effectiveness of anti-corruption reforms in in the region. Moderator: Ms. Eka Gigauri, Transparency International Georgia Speakers: • Mr. Drago Kos, Chair of the ACN Istanbul Anti-Corruption Action Plan ��� Mr. Ruslan Riaboshapka, ACN consultant • Ms. Veronica Dragalin, Moldova • Mr. Akmal Burkhanov, Uzbekistan • Mr. Zhiger Baidildin, Kazakhstan
13:30 - 15:00
Fitting the Rule of Law for purpose: New challenges and solutions for transparency, integrity, and accountability in justice systems
(CC18) This meeting will focus on reinforcing the rule of law by fostering transparent, accountable, and people-centred mechanisms in the justice sector. It will address new challenges to its independence, integrity, transparency and accountability including the impact of mis- and dis-information and the complexities of digital technologies in shaping justice systems. Discussion will also seek to identify opportunities that strengthen participatory engagement to protect rights, make systems more open, and foster trust.