2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Jennifer Sarvary Bradford

United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

Crime Prevention Criminal Justice Officer


Jennifer Sarvary Bradford joined the United Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Corruption and Economic Crime Branch in 2013. Jennifer has spearheaded the Branch’s work on gender and corruption including the publication “The Time is Now – addressing the gender dimensions of corruption”. Through her work as part of the secretariat to the Implementation Review Mechanism (IRM) of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, the only global anti-corruption instrument currently encompassing 190 States parties, Jennifer has led the efforts to quantify and analyse the technical assistance needs emerging from the review process. She has also worked on the Branch’s efforts to measure the impact of the IRM on States parties to the Convention. During the negotiations of the Sustainable Development Goals, Jennifer was part of the UNODC inter-divisional team. She is the coordinator for the work of the Corruption and Economic Crime Branch in Africa and has the lead role of the work relating to the gender dimensions of corruption globally. Jennifer has worked for the United Nations since 1998. After working for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and subsequently in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations at Headquarters and in the United Nations Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUC), she joined UNODC in Vienna in 2005. From 2010 to 2013, Jennifer established the UNODC national programme for Ethiopia. Jennifer holds a Master's degree in Law from Lund University, Sweden, where she also attended the Master’s programme of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute for Human Rights and Humanitarian Law.

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