2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Roby Senderowitsch

World Bank

Governance Global Manager


Roby Senderowitsch currently serves as the World Bank’s Governance Practice Manager for Public Administration. Previously he has held various positions, including Practice Manager for Governance ECA-West; Manager for Leadership, Learning & Innovation; Manager of the Global Partnership for Social Accountability (GPSA); and Country Manager in the Dominican Republic. His work in the Bank included a strong focus on political economy analysis, building coalitions for change, anti-corruption, and performance-based management of public institutions. Currently, he also manages 3 communities of practice on Open Government and Transparency, Anti-Corruption, and Citizen Engagement. Before joining the WB, Roby has led an international development program in Cuba where he served as the Country Manager for an international CSO, he has been a lecturer in Human Resource management in nonprofit organizations, as well as director of educational programs and community development and HR management in the private sector. Roby’s publications include “Building Effective, Accountable, and Inclusive Institutions in Europe and Central Asia” (one of the most downloaded publications of the World Bank), “Democratic Governance in Mexico: Beyond State Capture and Social Polarization” (with Yasuhiko Matsuda), “Performance Informed Budgeting and Trust in Government” (with Nick Manning and others), and “From the International Financial Crisis to Inclusive Growth in the Dominican Republic.” Senderowitsch holds a Licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educacion from the University of Buenos Aires and a Masters in Policy Studies from the Johns Hopkins University.

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