2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Roberto Perez Rocha

Transparency International

International Anti-Corruption Conference & Global Initiatives


Experienced advocate with a solid history of working in the non-profit and public sectors. Skilled diplomat and negotiator. Post-grads in Political Science and Development from Universidad Pompeu Fabra and the London School for Economics and bachelor (with Honours) in Political Science from the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico. Roberto started his career as an advisor at the Vice-Ministry for Urban Development in Mexico, and from there performed similar roles at the Mexican Senate, the Ministry for Environment, the Ministry for Agriculture, and the Ministry for Interior. While studying the Ph.D. program in 2000 in Barcelona, he worked at the Catalan Federation of NGOs, which comprised more than 60 national and international organizations, spanning from Oxfam and Amnesty International to grassroots organizations. In 2003 he joined Transparency International (TI). In 2005 he assumed the responsibility to manage the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC), becoming its Director in 2013. As the lead partnership builder, agenda architect, and chief curator he is passionate about the power of people and trust-based relationships. The IACC is the world's foremost conference for all sectors and individuals working against corruption and for social justice. He is the founder and co-founder of a number of global initiatives like the IACC Young Journalists network (with journalists from all regions of the world) the Films for Transparency Festival, the IACC Social Entrepreneurs Initiative, as well as the Fair Play Music Competition and Festival.

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