2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum


Cynthia Gabriel

The Center for International Private Enterprise

Senior Anti Corruption Advisor


Cynthia Gabriel is easily recognized as a key advocate of human rights and good governance in Malaysia. She has spent most of her professional life in the field of advancing democratic freedoms, reforms and policy change in the country and region. Academically well rounded, she has degrees in both the science and legal fraternities. She has spent brief stints in the private sector, worked as a contractual lecturer in Monash University, and served and collaborated with several United Nations initiatives on research work in the field of democracy & human rights (OHCHR), governance, organized crime and anticorruption, (UNODC). She served on the international board as Vice President of the global human rights advocacy group, the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), co -founded the Asia Forum for Human Rights and Development (FORUM ASIA) human rights network, and is currently an elected board member of the UN Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC) coalition, comprising about 400 organisations worldwide. Cynthia has extensive networks with the local and global media and has been featured on prime-time news and documentaries in the CNN, BBC World, the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Al Jazeera, NY Times, Washington Post, to name a few, as a leading human rights advocate and whistleblower on corruption scandals involving Malaysia’s political leadership. She has together with senior civil society advocates founded a now leading policy advocacy centersince 2014known as the Centre to Combat Corruption and Cronyism (C4) and is now its Executive Director.

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