2024 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

Kick-off meeting: Integrity and Anti-Corruption Review of Ukraine

Mar 27, 2024 | 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Side Events 1


(by-invitation only) An OECD Integrity and Anti-Corruption Review will be conducted as part of the OECD-Ukraine Country Programme. The Review will help Ukraine design and implement comprehensive integrity and anti-corruption strategies and policies to improve standards of integrity, transparency, and accountability, improve its system of incentivising anti-corruption compliant business, as well as better equipping Ukraine with anti-corruption mechanisms and tools for safeguarding its reconstruction efforts from corruption. This kick-off meeting will officially launch the Review and provide an opportunity to introduce OECD experts and Ukrainian public officials, and provide a space to discuss the objectives, timeline, and thematic chapters. Contact: Ms. Oksana Huss, Review Coordinator, Public Governance, Oksana.Huss@oecd.org.

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