OECD Forum on Gender Equality


Ndeye Bineta Diop

African Union

African Union Commission Special Envoy on Women, Peace & Security


Since 2014, Madam Bineta Diop has served as the Special Envoy of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission on Women, Peace and, Security. She is the founder and President of Femmes Africa Solidarité (FAS), an international NGO established in Switzerland in 1996, dedicated to advancing the leadership of women in conflict prevention, management and resolution across Africa. As the African Union Special Envoy, Ms. Diop has actively translated policies into tangible actions, emphasising accountability mechanisms and amplifying women’s voices in peace processes. Ms. Diop contributed to the shaping of Africa’s gender normative frameworks, such as the Maputo Protocol on Women’s Rights and the African Union Convention on Human Rights. Additionally, she established the Gender is My Agenda Action Network (GIMAC) to promote gender equality on the continent. Ms. Diop has led several initiatives driven by women, notably the Empowering Women in Agriculture (EWA) program, which seeks to enhance the skills of women farmers and ensure equitable access to agricultural resources. Additionally, she championed the establishment of the Pan African Centre for Gender, Peace, and Development (PAC), focusing on capacity building of women and youth in gender, peacebuilding and development. This effort includes collaboration with the University Cheikh Anta Diop of Dakar and UPEACE of Costa Rica to develop a Master’s degree program on Gender and Peacebuilding. Ms. Diop co-convenes the African Women’s Leaders Network, endorsed by the UN and AU, aimed at advancing women’s leadership in the agendas for 2030 and 2063. Ms. Diop’s dedication to women’s empowerment and peacebuilding has earned her numerous honours, including recognition as one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people in 2011. Her academic background in International Relations and diplomacy, coupled with her leadership, has significantly impacted women’s empowerment and peacebuilding efforts in Africa and beyond.