OECD Forum on Gender Equality


Alison Tate

International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)

Director, Economic and Social Policy


Alison Tate is the Director of Economic and Social Policy of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the global peak body of unions, based in Belgium. Alison represents unions at the United Nations, the G20 and international financial institutions, including in ministerial level negotiations. She works with companies at senior executive level to support workforce transitions relating to climate and technology. She is an economist with experience in national and global policy areas across economics, sustainability, international trade and investment, social policy, human and labour rights, climate change, migration, labour standards compliance and corporate accountability. Alison leads the ITUC’s work on “Global Shifts and Just Transitions” which includes driving global conversations on the economic transformation that is needed in order that people and the planet thrive and that globally we turn around the current trajectory on climate change in the next decade.