OECD Forum on Gender Equality


Joe O'Brien


Minister of State for Community Development, Integration and Charities


Mr. Joe O'Brien T.D. is Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development, Integration, and Charities. He is the Green Party T.D. for the Dublin Fingal constituency. Born in County Cork in 1977 and now living in Skerries, North County Dublin with his wife and three young children. His academic and professional background centres on economics, social policy and tackling racism. Minister O’Brien has spent most of his professional career as an advocate for migrant rights and inclusion. He has previously worked for the Immigrant Council of Ireland as well as 11 years working with the Crosscare Migrant Project. Minister O’Brien has also been a Member of the Monitoring Group for National Integration Policy. Throughout his life, Minister O’Brien has worked both in Ireland and abroad on issues of integration and inclusion. He has authored numerous reports on migrant access to vital services such as immigration services, social protection and homeless systems. Currently, as Minister of State with responsibility for Integration he oversees the National Action Plan Against Racism as well as the Migrant Integration Strategy. In his role in the Department of Social Protection, he has responsibility for the National Roadmap for Social Inclusion He has been an advocate for human rights throughout his professional life, both at home and abroad, carrying out influential research, policy and advocacy work on minority access issues to the social protection and homelessness systems.