Aerdt Houben

De Nederlandsche Bank

Director, Financial Markets


Aerdt HOUBEN is Director of the Financial Markets Division at De Nederlandsche Bank. The division is responsible for DNB’s market operations, asset management, risk management, market intelligence and investment operations. Prior to this, he headed DNB´s Financial Stability Division, its Supervisory Strategy Department and its Monetary Policy Department. He has worked at the IMF, in the Policy Development and Review Department. He currently chairs the Committee on Financial Markets at the OECD and is a member of the Committee on the Global Financial System and the Markets Committee at the BIS. He has been a member of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, the Financial Stability Committee of the ECB and the International Organisation of Pension Supervisors and has been a member of numerous other policy committees in the context of the IMF, Financial Stability Board, ECB and the European Systemic Risk Board. Houben is professor of ´Financial Policies, Institutions and Markets´ at the University of Amsterdam. He has a PhD in monetary economics and has published broadly on financial issues.

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