Satoshi Ikeda

Financial Services Agency, Government of Japan

Chief Sustainable Finance Officer


Satoshi Ikeda has been the Chief Sustainable Finance Officer (CFSO) at the Financial Services Agency of Japan (JFSA) since 2019. In this role, he covers a wide range of issues concerning sustainable finance which include, among other things, designing Japan’s own transition finance framework based upon disclosures of transition plans and emissions data aligned with Task Force on Climate Related Disclosures (TCFD) and other international standards. He currently serves as Co-chair of the Working Group on Transition Finance of the International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF). He also co-led the Workstream on Climate Disclosures of the Financial Stability Board Standing Committee on Supervisory and Regulatory Cooperation (FSB SRC), the Workstream on ESG Data and Ratings of the International Organization of Securities Commissions Sustainability Taskforce (IOSCO STF), and the Working Group on Sustainability Disclosure of the International Platform on Sustainable Finance (IPSF).

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