International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills


Benoit Bergeret

Board Member


Benoit (Ben) Bergeret is a long-time AI serial entrepreneur who has spent his career commercialising AI and other digital technologies. Benoit recently returned to France from the United States, and advises governmental bodies and public sector organizations, as well as C-level executives in global corporations on AI adoption and strategies. He has broad international experience working with corporate clients of all sizes (including Bull, IBM, Lucent Technologies, Vinci), and building companies from scratch in Europe and in the United States. Educated in "Industrial Applications of Artificial Intelligence" (at the Compiègne University of Technology), he is one of only 25 certified “AI and data experts” with France’s public investment bank, bpifrance. Benoît is a long-time advisor to Caisse des Dépôts and to the French Tech Mission. He is also an Honorary Ambassador of ‘La French Tech’ in San Francisco. Benoit is a member of the investment committee of the French Tech Acceleration government fund which is endowed with 215 MEUR to strengthen the technology start-up ecosystem in France and abroad. He is a co-founder and board member of Hub France IA (“French AI Hub”), an industry non-profit that aims to facilitate the AI ecosystem in France and Europe.