International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills


Marie-Christine Fregin

Maastricht University

Research Leader, Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market


Dr. Marie-Christine Fregin is Research Leader at Maastricht University´s Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (ROA). She holds a PhD in Economics from Maastricht University. In her dissertation she investigated skill matching and provided new cross-country evidence on outcomes and determinants of skill-to-job mismatches. Before joining ROA in her current role, she was a Post Doc at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB) and worked part-time as academic consultant, combining social science with Design Thinking and conducting applied R&D projects on digitalisation and workplace innovation. Her research focuses on Artificial Intelligence and how AI implementation affects workers’ tasks, skills requirements, productivity, well-being and sustainable employability. She works with transdisciplinary teams, including AI experts from e.g. IBM, worker representatives from employee unions and policy makers at different levels to study the impact of AI in innovative research projects at the interface of science, industry and politics. She is also a member of the EU-Horizon 2020 consortium TECHNEQUALITY (‘Technological inequality – understanding the relation between recent technological innovations and social inequalities’). Currently, Marie-Christine Fregin is the scientific coordinator of a research collaboration entitled “FutureFit Workforce” between ROA and a multinational energy player, combining empirical studies with co-creation processes to analyse future skills needs and reskilling opportunities in the energy sector.