International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills


Justine Cassell

PRAIRIE Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in AI

Founding international chair


Justine Cassell is currently on leave from Carnegie Mellon University to hold the founding international chair at the PRAIRIE Institute for Interdisciplinary Research in AI, and to serve as Directrice de Recherche at Inria Paris. Before going on leave, she was Associate Dean of Technology Strategy and Impact in the School of Computer Science at CMU, and Director of the Human-Computer Interaction Institute. Previously Cassell was faculty at Northwestern University where she founded the Technology and Social Behavior Doctoral Program and Research Center, and before that was a tenured professor at MIT. She holds a License in Lettres Modernes from the Université de Besançon and a double PhD in developmental psychology and linguistics from the University of Chicago. Cassell has received the MIT Edgerton Prize, Anita Borg Institute Women of Vision award, the AAMAS Test of Time paper award, and the National Academy of Sciences Henry and Bryna David Prize for Social Sciences applicable to policy. She is a fellow of the AAAS, Royal Academy of Scotland, and the ACM.