International conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills


Gabriella Chiarenza

Federal Reserve Bank of Boston (FRB)

Managing Editor, Regional & Community Outreach


Gabriella Chiarenza is a writer, editor, and creative content director who joined the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston in 2016. She has been working from a unique vantage point at the intersection of creative content and community development policy and practice for nearly two decades, with previous roles in policy, research, and content development at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, in community nonprofit organizations, and as a consulting researcher and writer. She has a particular passion for issues related to social and cultural change, equity and justice, housing affordability, employment access, and the ways policy and technology impact the lives of underrepresented Americans. Gabriella aims to convey crucial trends and changes in social, cultural, economic, and policy spheres with a focus on the human stories behind the data. She specializes in interview-based reporting and multimedia storytelling that seeks to amplify the voices of leaders on the ground doing the hard work of changing conditions for the better in underserved and under-resourced communities. Gabriella is an alumna of Brown University and the University of California, Berkeley.