Future-Ready Adult Learning in Latin America


All sessions correspond to 
Central Eastern Time (CET Paris time).


1 : 23rd March 2021
Opening plenary session
Welcoming remarks from OECD and JPMorgan Chase Foundation. The OECD will present findings from the report “Future-Ready Adult Learning Systems”.
Increasing participation in adult learning
How can adults who do not train be encouraged to participate? What types of outreach methods are most effective, and for whom? This panel of experts will discuss the barriers standing in the way of greater participation and inclusiveness in training in Latin America. After the panel, we’ll break out into discussion tables.
Training certification and quality assurance
How can we ensure that new certificates and electronic badges are valued in the labour market? What are the challenges faced by training providers in complying with quality assurance criteria and labels? A panel of experts will discuss key issues related to certifying training in Latin America. After the panel, we’ll break out into discussion tables.


2 : 24th March 2021
Opening plenary
The OECD will present findings from the just-launched report “Career Guidance for Adults in Latin America”.
Financing and governance of adult learning
How can financial support be adapted to local labour market circumstances or firm and individual characteristics? What are the pros and cons of having centralised governance structures? The panel of experts will discuss the above issues, after which we will break out into discussion tables.
Alignment of training with labour market needs
What are the barriers to gathering good labour market information? How can collaboration between employers and training institutions be established concretely? Which skills will adults need for the green and digital transitions? This panel of experts will discuss how to encourage adults to train in skills and jobs that are in demand in the labour market. After the panel, we’ll break out into discussion tables.
Career guidance for adults
Which institutions, public or private, are best placed to deliver career guidance and advice to adults? What are the challenges of assessing and certifying skills acquired outside education? How has delivery of career guidance changed during COVID-19, and how can we build on these changes to strengthen career guidance going forward? This session will discuss some of the key recommendations underlined in the newly published OECD report, “Career Guidance for Adults in Latin America”. We’ll break out into discussion tables after the panel discussion.