International Conference on AI in Work, Innovation, Productivity and Skills


Kristina McElheran

University of Toronto (UTSC & Rotman)


Kristina McElheran is an Assistant Professor of Strategic Management at the University of Toronto (UTSC & Rotman). Her research centers on digital transformation and the organizational complementarities that may enable or gate its success. Recent work focuses on cloud computing, predictive analytics, and AI. Kristina’s experience includes six years on the Harvard Business School faculty, eight as a Digital Fellow at MIT’s Initiative on the Digital Economy, and affiliations with the Schwartz Reisman Institute for Technology and Society and Stanford’s Digital Economy Lab, among others. Prior to earning her PhD at Northwestern University, Kristina worked for two early-stage technology ventures in Silicon Valley. She remains connected to high-tech entrepreneurship as a Lab Economist at Toronto’s Creative Destruction Lab. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in Management Science, Journal of Econometrics, American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Sloan Management Review, and Communications of the ACM.

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