OECD Local Skills Week: Future-Proofing Local Skills Systems

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25-27 June 2024Local Skills Week 2024
Talent for the twin transitions

The event gathered local policy makers, social partners and practitioners to discuss the challenges and opportunities that the twin green and digital transitions will bring for talent.

OECD Local Skills Week
Future-Proofing Local Skills Systems

15-17 February 2022

An international conference organised by the
OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities







About the conference

The jobs and the skills required to perform them are changing at an ever-faster pace. Some cities, regions and sectors are experiencing significant job loss and transformation, while others are characterised by innovation and job creation. The extent to which local economies can reap the benefits of ongoing labour market changes and skills requirements will largely depend on the future readiness of local skills systems. Organised with the generous support of the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, the OECD Local Skills Week explored how local communities can overcome local skills gaps and mismatches by helping people reskill and upskill throughout their working lives. The conference brought together leading experts as well as local policy makers, businesses, employee representatives and practitioners to discuss the challenges and opportunities the future of work will bring to cities and regions. 

Sessions overview

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