LACRP Social Inclusion Summit

Social and gender inclusion as part of the solution

Oct 22, 2024 | 9:20 AM - 10:00 AM

Bogota, Colombia


Social inclusion poses a significant challenge for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, rooted deeply in structural and historical factors. High levels of poverty, persistent inequality, and widespread informality persist throughout individuals' life cycles and are transmitted across generations. Moreover, certain socio-demographic groups are particularly left behind. Adopting a lifecycle and comprehensive whole-of-government approach that not only considers the socioeconomic characteristics of various stakeholders is essential for well-designed social policies. Empowering women and revisiting productive inclusion are crucial steps to promote both social and gender inclusion, ultimately breaking the intergenerational cycle of poverty and reduce inequality. This integrated approach can also foster mutually reinforcing dynamics between economic growth and social inclusion.

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