LACRP Social Inclusion Summit

Boosting social mobility through Education and Skills

Oct 22, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 10:40 AM

Bogota, Colombia


In Latin America and the Caribbean, disparities in educational outcomes pose a significant barrier to social mobility. Recent PISA results from the region reveal stark differences in student performance, highlighting both the urgency and potential for reform. These disparities often reflect broader socioeconomic inequalities and addressing them is crucial for ensuring that education serves as a true driver for equality. Gender disparities further complicate the landscape, with varying access and outcomes for boys and girls, and strong segregation in career choices. Girls tend to choose careers with fewer opportunities and lower salaries in the labor market. This suggests a need for targeted strategies to ensure gender equity in educational opportunities. By focusing on these issues, efforts can be made to create a more inclusive and effective educational system that equips all young people with the skills necessary to achieve social mobility and more equitable and just societies.

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