9th OECD Investment Treaty Conference


Maria Pastukhova


Programme Lead


Maria leads E3G’s work on energy diplomacy, energy security and geopolitics. Her team develops analysis and builds multi-stakeholder coalitions to inform and enable a managed and sustainable global energy transition. Her particular focus is the energy dimension of the EU Green Deal, as well as geopolitical and economic implications of the global transition away from fossil fuels. Before joining E3G, Maria worked at the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP) covering the geopolitical aspects of energy transition and EU energy diplomacy, as well as the EU/German-Russian energy relations. Prior to that, she had worked with Foresight Intelligence, developing strategic foresight formats for a broad range of (geo)political issues. She also supports the work of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP) on power grid connectivity for sustainable development in Northeast Asia.

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