8th Annual Conference on Investment Treaties - Investment Treaties, the Paris Agreement and Net Zero: Towards Alignment?


Michael E. Wysession

Washington University

Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences


Michael Wysession, a Professor of Geophysics at Washington University in St. Louis, is a leader in the areas of both geophysics and geoscience education. He has authored or co-authored more than 100 papers and reports in geophysics and science education, as well more than 35 textbooks ranging from grade school to graduate school. Wysession was Chair of the NSF’s Earth Science Literacy Initiative, Chair of Earth and Space Science for the National Academy of Science report A Framework for K-12 Science Education, and one of the lead architects of the new national K-12 Next Generation Science Standards. Wysession's awards include the Packard Foundation’s Science and Engineering Fellowship, the National Science Foundation Presidential Faculty Fellowship (awarded at the White House), the inaugural Ambassador Award from the American Geophysical Union, for which he is a Fellow, the Frank Press Award from the Seismological Society of America, and the Geosciences in the Media Award of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. He is the author of four video lecture courses with the Teaching Company’s Great Courses series, watched by millions of people: How the Earth Works, The World’s Greatest Geologic Wonders, National Geographic’s Polar Explorations, and The Science of Energy: Resources and Power Explained. Wysession is also Executive Director of Washington University’s Center for Teaching and Learning, coordinating educational professional development for its faculty.

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