8th Annual Conference on Investment Treaties - Investment Treaties, the Paris Agreement and Net Zero: Towards Alignment?


Makane Moïse Mbengue

Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva

Professor of International Law


Makane Moïse Mbengue is Professor of International Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Geneva and Director of the Department of International Law and International Organization. He is also an Affiliated Professor at Sciences Po Paris (School of Law). Since 2017, he is the President of the African Society of International Law (AfSIL). He is also a Member of the Curatorium of The Hague Academy of International Law and an Associate Member of the Institut de droit international. Prof. Mbengue is involved in the negotiation of several investment agreements in Africa. He was the Lead Expert of the African Union for the negotiations and drafting of the Pan-African Investment Code (PAIC) and he is presently the Lead Expert of the Secretariat of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) for the negotiations, development and implementation of the Investment Protocol to the AfCFTA. Furthermore, Prof. Mbengue acts as counsel in disputes before international courts and tribunals (in particular, before the International Court of Justice, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and in investment cases) and as advisor for governments. He also acts as an arbitrator and was the President of the first international arbitration involving two international organizations. He is the author of several publications in the field of international law, and especially of international investment law.

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