7th International Conference on Geological Repositories - Empowering Progress in Development of Deep Geological Repositories


Celine Kermisch

Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium

Lecturer, and Ethics Advisor in Science and Technology


Céline Kermisch is an expert on ethics in science and technology and a lecturer at ULB, Ecole polytechnique de Bruxelles). She holds a MSc in mechanical engineering, a MA in philosophy of science and a PhD in Philosophy on risk and risk perception. Céline has more than 15 years of experience in academia and in consulting on this field. Her course addresses engineering ethics, epistemology of science and technology, and socio-technical controversies. Her consulting and advisory experience includes ethical and scientific assessment of projects for the European Commission, as well as work for IMDR (Institut pour la Maîtrise Des Risques IMDR, France) and for ONDRAF/NIRAS on projects dedicated to the ethical and societal aspects of radioactive waste management. Céline is also a member of the Comité éthique et société of ANDRA (France).