7th International Conference on Geological Repositories - Empowering Progress in Development of Deep Geological Repositories


Philippe Lalieux

ONDRAF/NIRAS (National Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Material), Belgium

Director, Long-term Radioactive Waste Management


Philippe Lalieux is currently Director for Long Term Waste Management within ONDRAF/NIRAS, the Belgian Agency for Radioactive Waste and Enriched Fissile Material. His responsibilities encompass the definition of strategies and policies for the long-term management of waste and spent fuel, the RD&D programme (including the HADES URL), the establishment and verification of waste acceptance criteria as well as the confirmation of the disposability of waste. Philippe Lalieux has more than 35 years professional experience in the field of radioactive waste and spent fuel management both at national and international levels. He holds a Master in Geological Sciences and a Master in Geophysical Sciences as well as a degree in Radiation Protection.