7th International Conference on Geological Repositories - Empowering Progress in Development of Deep Geological Repositories


Alice Mariana Dima

ANDR (Nuclear and Radioactive Waste Agency), Romania



Ms Dima is an engineer with over 19 years’ experience in the field of management of radioactive waste in Romania and currently serves in the position of Director of Department for Nuclear Strategies &Projects with overall responsibilities especially in the process related to implementing projects for near surface radioactive waste disposal (DFDSMA) and deep geological disposal. She is responsible for the monitorization of Action Plan and for the National Nuclear Program, and also for the elaboration of the National Strategy for safe management of RW and SNF in Romania as well as coordinated the activities the activities related to the decommissioning of the nuclear facilities in Romania. Alice experience is related to the different activities from RW field like cost estimation of disposal, establish the type, volume and main characteristics of the radioactive waste arising from nuclear plants decommissioning, whilst we focus on the construction model of the repository and the essential parameters of the surrounding environment. From 2019 Alice is the team leader for the development and implementing the near surface disposal namely DFDSMA and for the National Strategy for safe management of RW and SNF in Romania. Alice works closely with the IAEA, EC and OECD / NEA, member of RWMC Bureau, participating in a number of expert missions, technical meetings and working groups, and also is involved in Working Groups/Steering Group of the International Framework for Nuclear Energy Cooperation.