Antti Ketolainen
Fortum, Finland
Director, Decommissioning and Waste Nuclear Services, Nuclear Generation
Mr. Antti Ketolainen, Director, Decommissioning and Waste, Nuclear Services, Fortum Power and Hear Oy has worked in the nuclear industry and in Finnish nuclear utility company, Fortum, for more than 18 years in various roles. He has technical background in nuclear and radiation safety engineering and an extensive experience from several nuclear newbuild projects as well as from project and portfolio management and strategical business development in nuclear sector. Being currently in charge of Fortum’s nuclear decommissioning and radioactive waste management service business, offering including extensive radioactive waste disposal engineering and consultation services, Mr. Ketolainen has a broad understanding from both license-holder and contractor perspectives, and the backgrounds and benefits of the nuclear waste disposal approaches and solutions applied in Finland for low and intermediate level waste and for high level waste.