2024 OECD Infrastructure Forum


Rodolfo Sabonge

Association of Caribbean States

Secretary General


Rodolfo Sabonge is an expert in Strategic Foresight, Market Research, and Competitive Intelligence in logistics, transportation, maritime development and ports. During more than 15 years Sabonge led the areas of Planning, Marketing and Business Development of the Panama Canal Authority. During his tenure at the Panama Canal, Sabonge led the transition planning of the transfer of the Canal from the U.S. to the Panamanian Government, and later led the demand, market, and economic impact studies that justified the expansion of the Panama Canal. Currently Ing. Rodolfo Sabonge holds the post of the Seventh Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, an Intergovernmental Organization comprised by 25 Member States, 10 Associate Members from the region known as the Greater Caribbean.

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