2024 OECD Infrastructure Forum


Mariangela Benedetti

Simplification unit of the Office of the Prime Minister,



Mariangela Benedetti (1978) is the director of the Simplification Unit of the Minister's Office. She is an expert in administrative laws, business inspection simplification, regulatory oversight bodies, and public administration capacity building. From January 2010 to September 2023, she worked as a simplification consultant to the simplification office of the Department for Public Administration, the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Sardinia Region, The Metropolitan City of Capital Rome, and the territorial Cohesion Agency. After graduating in Business and Economics (2002) from the University of Milano “Luigi Bocconi,��� she obtained a Ph.D. in Administrative Law (2008) from the University of Rome "L Sapienza.” In 2007, she received the Academy of European Public Law Diploma from the European Public Law Organization (EPLO). She has an Executive Master in Management and Control of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) from Luiss Business School (2018). She has been a member of the Institute for Research on Public Administration (IRPA) and the Observatory of Regulatory Analysis since 2009.

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